SGB Meeting Minutes, October 1, 2013

1.0 Welcome

1.1 Welcome Introductions (Altman)

Eric Altman welcomed the group and a microphone was passed around for those in attendance to introduce themselves.

2.0 Report from ACM CEO (White):

John White introduced himself and thanked everyone for attending. He explained that he will provide an update on the state of ACM as well as the organizations’ priorities.

ACM has 108,705 members and 739 total chapters around the world. Almost 60% of our members reside outside of the US. We have over 50 periodicals in computing and computer science and the DL is in 3,000 libraries around the world. Our 36 SIGs organize over 150 events a year. Membership is increasing through initiatives focused on the image and health of Computer Science and continuing to develop internationally.

International Initiatives in Europe: Established ACM Europe as a legal entity within the EU. First European Computing Research Congress (ECRC) held in May in Paris and we are assessing interest to have a second one. Issued report on secondary computing education in Europe. We are working on setting up a policy committee to work at the EU level.

International Initiatives in India: Legal entity within India with ACM India Council elected by ACM Indian members. Our education initiative there is taking a CRA-like role.

International Initiatives China: We have had the MOU with China Computer Federation (CCF) extended. We are planning to reorganize the ACM China Council and soon will start monthly translation of CACM to Chinese which gives members five translated articles per month. This features high quality translation. The Ministry of Education may invest in our effort to acknowledge CACM as a legitimate publication in China and print and distribute the Chinese version to all ACM members in China.

Education Initiatives: CS 2013 is coming to a conclusion. Policy initiative can be found within "community" partnering with to create a public/private partnership to shift the US education systems ( We are scaling the strategy to increase access to real CS in K12; leading the advocacy work of CinC; leading the public awareness of the work of CS Education Week. Also, the ACM Ed Board is sponsoring a MOOC’s Symposium called Learning @ Scale.

Heidelberg Laureates Forum (HLF): The Forum is a week-long meeting of young researchers and Abel, Fields, Turing laureates. The first year will be computer science and mathematics themed and succeeding years will feature alternate themes. Within ACM, the HLF members have begun a major communications effort to raise awareness. An ACM Heidelberg Laureates Forum Committee has been established to review computer science candidates. The co-chairs are Jenifer Chayes (MSR) and Juris Hartmanis (Cornell). There are a total of 17 members reviewing applications with each member reviewing 57 candidates and each candidate receiving at least 3 reviews. In the end, there has been significant variation in the reviewing standards between CS and math. On a scale of 0-6 the average CS score was approximately 2- and the mathematics average score was approximately 4+. The HLF Scientific Committee selected 200 candidates to participate from the 577 applicants. From the 200 selected, 99 were CS oriented, 97 were math oriented and 4 shared both orientations.

ACM Retreat: In November ACM will hold a retreat to examine challenges and threats posed to the ACM publishing program (and business). The goal is to look at opportunities to get in front of publishing trends and identify major challenges to multiple dimensions of ACM: Membership, Technical communities (SIGs) and conferences, Publishing/DL, The models that underpin all of the above. We will respond to the question: How must ACM restructure its portfolio of core activities, and the business models that support them, to stay relevant and viable in the future? The approach will be to unpack and understand the core activities and business models and understand the challenges and forces at play for each area. We will assess the strengths and weaknesses of each model relative to emerging challenges and risks and explore new thinking for a very interconnected set of (current and future) core activities and the business models to underpin them. The participants will include Vint Cerf, Alex Wolf, Vicki Hansen, Erik Altman, Alain Chesnais, Ron Boisvert, Jack Davidson and Joe Konstan and ; as well as Wendy Hall, Moshe Vardi and Salil Vadhan (representing key volunteers); John White, Pat Ryan, Bernard Rous, Scott Delman, Wayne Graves and Donna Cappo (representing ACM staff).

3.0 USACM (Matthews)

Jeanne Matthews provided an update on the work of USACM which is the U.S. Public Policy Council of ACM. It is the focal point for ACM's interaction with U.S. government organizations, the computing community, and the U.S. public in all matters of U.S. public policy related to information technology and computing, except issues in science and math education relevant to computing and computer science, which is the responsibility of the Educational Policy Committee (EPC). The USACM is authorized to take official policy positions. These positions reflect the position of the USACM and not necessarily that of ACM. Policy positions of USACM are decided by a 2/3 majority vote of the USACM Executive Committee.

The core principles are to educate the public, policy makers, and the community about public policy issues that affect the development of technology or where technology influences policy issues to better inform policy decisions. Be a non-partisan, honest broker of scientific and technical expertise, free from the influence of product vendors or others with vested interests, underpinned by scientific evidence, for improving the field of computing or the responsible use of technology in society.

Some examples of councils’ activities include responding to calls for public comment on proposed legislation; giving congressional testimony; participating in congressional briefings and visits; interacting with federal agencies including DHS, NSF, NIST, FTC, FCC and others; interact/collaborate with other groups; track emerging trends in legislation, initiatives, funding; reform of the Electronic Communications Privacy Act; releasing a statement regarding Federal Cybersecurity Activity; participation in Identity Ecosystems Steering Group (IDESG).

For those who would like to get involved, visit the website: , the Tech Policy Blog: ; ACM Washington Update newsletter and podcast; contact SIG representatives Jeanna Matthews ( ) and Barbara Owens ( ) to report issues and help track emerging trends.

3.2 Athena Lecturer (Irwin)

Janie Irwin reviewed the mission of ACM-W and presented highlights. ACM-W supports, celebrates, and advocates internationally for the full engagement of women in all aspects of the computing field, providing a wide range of programs and services to ACM members and working in the larger community to advance the contributions of technical women.

Main programs include celebrating women in computing at the regional level through ACM-W Chapters and scholarships for women students to attend research conferences; the Athena Lecturer Award

This year ACM-W is sponsoring 11 conferences including the first with a strong regional focus located on the campuses of a community college in Kentucky. Total attendance over was 1000. $5000 was received from sponsors (Microsoft, ACM-W).

Each conference is responsible for the balance of the necessary fundraising. ACM-W is projecting 13-15 conferences in 2014 in Puerto Rico, Europe and the Caribbean. They support 52 chapters worldwide with resources available to help start and sustain more. Awards are given to women students in a computing with a major interest in attending research conferences and we encourage students to move on to the "next level" by giving awards. These SIGs support the program by offering free conference registration: SIGACCESS, SIGACT, SIGARCH, SIGCOMM, SIGCHI, SIGCSE, SIGDA, SIGECOM, SIGEVO, SIGGRAPH, SIGHPC, SIGIR, SIGITE, SIGMM, SIGMOBILE, SIGOPS, SIGPLAN, and SIGSOFT

3.3 Citizen Science and ACM (Harper)

Simon Harper from SIGWEB introduced the Citizen Science movement to the group and proposed that there might be an opportunity for the SIGs to be more inclusive of amateur scientists of all fields. Citizen scientists span very diverse backgrounds from Astronomy to Zoology with amateurs aggregating documented observations, using the internet to share ideas, holding fares that reach out to local communities which utilize a hobbyists sense of curiosity to innovate and create new technology. These types of hobbyists have created a "maker" movement which for the most part seeks to benefit society as opposed to an individual, government, business or organization. Harper asked the group to consider including "makers" and "citizen scientists" in ACM’s mission and suggested extending resources through membership or other support which might be consistent with ACM’s goal of advancing computing as well as society. There was discussion in support of SIGs individually reaching out to amateurs on an individual basis with some suggestions presented to the group such as partnering with chapters, using contests and offering special memberships.

3.4 CSTA (Stephenson)

Chris Stephenson provided an update on the project status of the chapter mini-grant program that the SGB has contributed $60,000 to support. In August, the CSTA Chapter Liaison and staff formed an interim committee to establish the grant criteria, create a project plan and a communications timeline, and develop an application form. In September the interim committee completed its work and a new committee was selected to review the applications.

The mini-grants will be distributed in two rounds of application submission and review. Criteria for proposals and awards will be sent to all chapters along with the submission guidelines and timelines. Chapters will be expected to begin work as soon as awards are announced. CSTA staff will provide oversight on project deliverables and expenses. Award monies will be held centrally and chapters will submit expense claim forms. Most of the funding will be reimbursement based but some chapters may require some start-up funding depending upon the project.

There are $1,000 seed grants for smaller projects; $3,000 grants for larger projects; $5,000 advocacy event grants for the planning and delivery of a major regional advocacy event. A chapter may apply for more than one type of mini-grant (seed, large project, advocacy event). A separate application must be completed for each grant type. Funds must be used for direct programming needs. Allowable uses of funds include: Essential project and activity supplies; disability accommodations; transportation for participants and presenters; food for events, meetings; stipends. Funds cannot be used for: alcoholic beverages; indirect charges, administrative overhead; capital expenditures; gifts/giveaways for participants; computer hardware.

To apply for a mini-grant a chapter must be in good-standing: all required reports and communication must have been completed in a timely manner. Content within the mini-grant project must be focused on advocacy for K-12 CS Education. All proposals will be submitted via an online application. Applications must include application information, project information, population served, detailed budget, marketing and or distribution plan if applicable

The selection criteria include a well-defined project proposal that is linked to K-12 CS. A strong project design with procedures and activities that are well defined, fully explained, and link to project goals. An outline of the potential effectiveness and strength and impact of the project and the ease of replicating the project in other CSTA chapters will also be a consideration. Collaboration with higher education institutions and/or industry is highly recommended. There are 2 rounds of the selection. Round One: has an application deadline of November 12. Reviews will occur November 13–30. Round one awards announced December 9 (CS Ed Week). Round Two: has an application deadline of January 6. Reviews will occur January 7–26. Round two awards will be announced January 28.

3.5 Publications (Madden)

Patrick Madden provided an update on the selection and appointment of new EICs as well as a status update on the publishing model changes which were made in April 2013. Since the two new options for managing rights were introduced along with Open Access options the overall uptake has been 2.53%. There was a question from Raj Rajkumar about the number of ACM publications increasing and the pace of the increase. Bernie Rouse explained that the number of ACM journals and transactions has more than doubled. The number of subscribers for individual titles has dropped consistently over the decades. The Downloads from the DL are high.

4.0 SIGBIO Transition Review (Zhang)

Aidong Zhang provided a review of SIGBIO in its transition to full SIG status. The original name was SIGBioinformatics and SIGBCB was the proposed name and SIGBio is the approved name. Member benefits include reduced registration fee, student travel support, proceedings in ACM DL, SIGBio Newsletter, members email list, SIGBio website.

The SIG sponsors a conference called ACM International Conference on Bioinformatics, Computational Biology, and Biomedical Informatics (ACM-BCB) which strives to promote quality papers, activities and events, and provide community building.

The SIG sponsors a number of special programs such as the Women in Bioinformatics Forum which is a special annual forum in BCB conferences, featuring a set of presentations of both female faculty members and PhD students. The purpose of this program is to encourage female students to get involved in the bioinformatics research. Another program is the PhD Students Forum which provides a platform for PhD students to network, practice presentation skills and exchange their ideas and research experiences. Another program is the Health Informatics Symposium whose goal is to bring computational scientists together with researchers and professionals to discuss the problems in healthcare, public health, and everyday wellness. The symposium highlights the most novel technical contributions in computing oriented toward health informatics and the related social and ethical implications. Finally, the Knowledge Repository program is the SIG repository containing PhD dissertation abstracts collected from PhD students and will be available for public access.

SIGBio Awards include a Best Paper award as well as a Best Student Paper Award. The award selection process follows the formal review process of the conference. The PC Chair and Awards committee create and review a short list of papers and make a selection. Selections are announced during the BCB conference. The Best PhD Dissertation Award is a new award leveraging the "PhD Dissertation Abstract Repository", and will be added in 2014. Starting from 2015 the SIG plans to introduce two new awards: the Outstanding Service Award, and the Research Achievement Award.

Membership and financial growth are steady. A variation in membership retention was caused by temporary SIGHIT members. Immediate financial goals include continued increase in BCB revenue and the addition of NSF funding for student travel grants.

Other activities planned include a new transaction journal called "ACM Transaction on Bioinformatics, Computational Biology and Biomedical Informatics" and continued support of in-cooperation conferences such as BIOSTEC’14: International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies.

Recommendation: The SGB EC congratulates SIGBIO on their program performance and finds it viable to move out of initial transitional status. SIGBIO is granted full SIG status for the next 4 years.

5.0 Program Reviews

5.1 SIGAPP Viability Review (Shin)

Sung Shin provided a review of the progress of SIGAPP. The fund balance has increased by an average of 12% each of the last 4 years, due in large part to the success of the SIG. Success has been attributed to using a call for hosting proposal where hosts compete to hold SAC locally and the SIGAPP Chair and SAC Treasurer visit the site 6 to 8 months in advance. They also leverage local committee members to get best deals on prices and promote student attendance and manpower.

SAC registration fee is low (under $500) and includes coffee breaks, lunches, welcome reception, and banquet. The conference local host provides facilities, AV, local gift, and local entertainment. They also solicit support from the local industry and government.

Students have a very low rate. Student authors are supported by SIGAPP travel grants. Also, attendees from underdeveloped countries are supported by SIGAPP travel grants. The SIGs goal is to keep acceptance rate round 25% with quality papers and DL download revenues. The SIG sponsors a posters program by invitation and just started a Student Research Competition (SRC) program where all attendees receive a one-year free SIGAPP membership, paid by SAC funds.

Membership retention rate is still low at 34.59%. Current problems include improving the retention rates by paid membership which hasn’t been consistent over the years. Most of retention is because of SAC's free membership. Considerations are being given to lower membership to $8 to $5 for students and $15 to $10 for regular members. The SIG continues to strive to increase awareness of Applied Computing research and collaborate with other SIGs.

Shin expressed an interest in suggestions on increase member benefits.

Recommendation: The SGB EC congratulates SIGAPP on their program performance and finds it viable to continue its status for the next 4 years.

Unanimous approval of the recommendation by SGB.

5.2 SIGOPS Viability Review (Matthews)

Jeanna Matthews reported on the status of SIGOPS. The SIG is proud that SOSP13 to be completely open access which was a result of the strong sentiment at SOSP11 business meeting for authors retaining copyright and open access to papers. The momentum leading up to this was a result of the efforts of Yannis Ioannidis from SIGMOD who went to Publications Board to propose and discuss changes which resulted in the organization of SIGOPS community to give input.

SOSP13 authors are signing permission and release with SIGOPS paying open access fees. Open access is a natural match for SOSP because it is single tracked, has relatively few papers and substantially lower registration fees than sister conference OSDI which provides strong community support. There remain concerns over videos of presentations. Based on the strong sentiment at SOSP11 business meeting for authors retaining copyright and open access to papers the SIG sought an agreement that video of presentations of open access papers will also be open access in DL or through ACM YouTube Channel.

An immediate goal is improving interaction with regional chapters and maintaining regional conferences success while growing in number and quality. A clearer model for regional chapters is needed. The Eurosys conference has SIGOPS as a sponsor but returns profits to regional organization despite an arrangement where Eurosys members automatically become SIGOPS members but often people see problems with dual membership numbers, confusing renewal notices, etc.

Recommendation: The SGB EC congratulates SIGOPS on their program performance and finds it viable to continue its status for the next 4 years.

Unanimous approval of the recommendation by SGB.

5.3 SIGSOFT Viability Review (Tracz)

Will Tracz presented SIGSOFT’s review. Positive developments have included utilizing a tool called PC-miner that assists program chairs selecting a program committee by displaying publications and committee service for an author and issuing queries, filtering results.

The scope of the search includes these conferences ASE, ECOOP, FSE, ICSE, ISSTA, OOPSLA, PLDI, POPL from 1995-2014. PC-miner is written in JavaScript and runs in your browser. It can be run "as-is" by downloading a zip file from, and pointing your browser at "index.html". An open-source release of PC-miner is now available from . It was developed by Frank Tip.

An area we could have improved upon involved sending rich text message to ACM Member Distribution List. The message was corrupted resulting in numerous nasty grams. HTML was included in message and sent at 80 character width plain text. Some email readers (i.e., Mac) decoded the message fine. The same message was resent as plain text with the same results. This was caused by a problem with email server used by sender (Go Daddy Webmail). This remains a problem with UNIX email readers. ACM IT fixed the "problem".

Recommendation: The SGB EC congratulates SIGSOFT on their program performance and finds it viable to continue its status for the next 4 years.

Unanimous approval of the recommendation by SGB.

5.4 SIGUCCS Viability Review (Wainwright)

Kelly Wainwright presented a review of SIGUCCS and highlighted the SIGs Peer Mentoring Program which pair mentees with mentors for a period of one year. This is a member driven initiative to build professional relationships. An advisory committee pairs mentors and mentees together based on specific needs, goals, similar institutions and skills. These pairs are then expected to "meet" approximately once a month to establish and work toward desired goals. So far, feedback from a mid-program survey was extremely positive.

An area of opportunity lies with improving marketing of SIGUCCS. The economic downturn in 2009 affected college and university travel budgets dramatically, some being eliminated completely making institutions more selective conference attendance. This put SIGUCCS in direct competition with bigger conferences such as EDUCAUSE and HDI. While we have a strong core membership, we need to attract greater conference attendance in order to sustain and expand our programs. The question is, how do we do this?

We have tried or discussed various approaches to do this. We now offer travel grants to encourage attendance from schools that haven’t come to the conference before. We also seek out and directly invite schools geographically close to the conference site. Our new initiative is to encourage our members to refer the names of individuals whom we can contact directly which has only been moderately successful. While the travel grants bring in new attendees, we find that they rarely return a second year. We continue to seek efficient and effective ways to spread the word about SIGUCCS.

Recommendation: The SGB EC is concerned about the viability of SIGUCCS and recommends that the SIGUCCS leadership redefine the SIG’s mission and increase the quality of the conference with a more rigorous review process. It is recommended that the SIGUCCS status be extended for a two year period. In one year, SIGUCCS leadership is expected to prepare a set of plans and activities along with a redefined mission to present to the SGB EC. Will Tracz will mentor SIGUCCS and work with the leadership following the SGB meeting.

Unanimous approval of the recommendation by SGB.

5.5 SIGWEB Viability Review (Harper)

Simon Harper presented a review of SIGWEB and explained that the SIG is in good shape financially, with good member retention, but membership needs work. Conference income is up at $685,316 which enables the SIG to increase the student travel budget to $30,000 and give achievement awards totaling $5,000. The SIG also supports the Interest Group Scheme; and initiated a program called ‘SIGWEB into Schools’. Membership has plateaued at 547 but 2 Year retention is up to 81%; 1 year retention is at 31%. An immediate goal is to promote membership through social media and explore mutually beneficial relationships with other groups

Recommendation: The SGB EC congratulates SIGWEB on their program performance and finds it viable to continue its status for the next 4 years.

Unanimous approval of the recommendation by SGB.

6.0 SGB EC Reports and Updates (Altman)

Erik Altman introduced the members of the SGB EC with a brief overview of each team members’ focus. Elisa Bertino’s role is SIG Awards Advisor. She acts as liaison for SIG leaders and the Awards Committee by helping SIG leadership with award proposals and their approval process. Will Tracz’s role is SIG Viability Advisor. He oversees transitional SIGs and works with SIGS scheduled for program reviews to ensure that presentations conform to SGB requirements and that SIG leadership is prepared for issues that might arise during viability reviews. He is also the SIG election liaison. Yannis Ioannidis is the SGB Conference Advisor. He oversees developing conference activity to be sponsored by the SGB. Patrick Madden is the SGB EC Vice Chair for Operations, Publications Advisor and his role is to preside over SGB and SGB EC Meetings and oversee SIG Liaisons to ACM Committees and Boards. Renee McCauley is the New SIG Advisor and her role is to act as liaison for newly chartered SIGs and help nurture and support new SIG leadership as they develop programs and activities. Pradip Bose is the SIG Development Advisor. Pradip identifies emerging technical areas and works with individuals and groups interested in forming SIGs. Vicki Hanson is the SIG Board Past Chair; Brent Hailpern is the SGB Rep to ACM Council; Andrew Sears is the SGB Rep to ACM Council; David Wood is the SGB Rep to ACM Council; Donna Cappo is the SIG Liaison from ACM Headquarters.

The EC Team has been active in the development of the SIG Umbrella Groupings as well as providing guidance on the development of the SIG Newsfeed project.

6.1 Nurturing Taskforce (Madden)

Patrick Madden provided an update on the status of the decision making process with regard to sponsoring SIGLOG. There are plans to have another review at the SIG proposal after a discussion with Prakash Panangaden.

6.2 Newsfeeds (Altman)

Erik Altman updated the group on efforts to implement a newsfeed feature for SIGs. A tool has been developed which extracts keywords from the Digital Library to keep search terms current over time. Wayne Graves is leading the implementation of an auto newsfeed feature which will use the keywords to enhance the value of each SIG, avoid an ongoing manual effort and leverage common technology across all SIGs. The feature will involve a two-step filtering process. The first step identifies computing-oriented articles. The second step identifies subsets focused on SIG-oriented issues. Erik also shared the links for new Mobile CACM apps. For Android: For iPhone: For iPad:

6.3 Full Inclusion (Harper)

Simon Harper gave a presentation to the group on the efforts of the Full Inclusion Task Force. He referred the group to the posted recommendations and noted that this should be viewed as a draft for consultation and discussion as it is awaiting oversight by the ACM EC. No implementation is planned. SIG leaders should send comments to simon.harper@ through January 1, 2014. Harper reviewed the group’s charter which states three major responsibilities: (1) Review and disseminate best practices for full inclusion – first from among the SIGs, other groups within the field and subsequently from groups and professions further afield such as natural sciences, engineering, medicine, and law; (2) Develop definitions for full inclusion, that are universal in character and account for ACM’s growing international presence; and (3) Identify technologies and research areas that can help.

The group examined constraints found in accessibility and disability, age equality, orientation as a hobbyist or maker, cultural equality and race, economic disadvantage, gender equality and unconventional educational routes. The task force inquired into how such constraints might limit people wishing to become members and how ACM can encourage participation and support those that do participate.

The group is composed of Erik Altman (SGB Chair), Florence Appel (SIGCAS), Donna Cappo (ACM – New York), Alain Chesnais (Past President of the ACM), Vicki Hanson (Treasurer of the ACM), Simon Harper (SIGWEB), Zhengjie Liu (SIGCHI), Jeanna Matthews (SIGOPS), Renee McCauley (SIGCSE), Barbara Boucher Owens (SIGCSE), Jenny Preece (SIGCHI), Shari Trewin (SIGACCESS)

6.4 Umbrella Groups (Altman)

Erik Altman updated the group on the result of several rounds of discussion to develop umbrella groups for the SIGs. A broad group of the umbrella groups now appear on the website at

7.0 Best Practices (Tracz)

A slide show of the best practices can be found here:

Erik Altman closed the meeting

The next meeting will be held in Chicago on March 21, 2014.


  • Andrew Adams, SIGCAS Chair
  • Erik Altman, SGB Chair
  • Wolfgang Banzhaf, SIGEVO Chair
  • Paul Beame, SIGACT Chair
  • Elisa Bertino, SGB EC
  • Pradip Bose, SIG Development Advisor, SIGMICRO Chair
  • Diana Brantuas, ACM SIG Services Program Coordinator
  • Naehyuck Chang, SIGDA Chair
  • Donna Cappo, ACM SIG Services Director
  • Shih-Fu Chang, SIGMM Chair
  • Charles Clarke, SIGIR Chair
  • David Cook, SIGAda Chair
  • Ashley Cozzi, ACM SIG Services Assistant Director
  • Laura Dillon, SIGSOFT Conference Approver
  • Paul Fishwick, SIGSIM Chair
  • Rob Friedman, SIGITE Chair
  • Irene Frawley, ACM SIG Program Coordinator
  • Jeremy Gibbons, SIGPLAN Vice Chair
  • Yolanda Gil, SIGART Chair
  • Chris Gill, SIGBED Vice Chair
  • Marco Gruteser, SIGMOBILE Treasurer
  • Wayne Graves, ACM Information Systems Director
  • Adrienne Griscti, ACM SIG Services Program Manager
  • Matthew Guthaus SGB EC
  • Brent Hailpern, Council SGB Representative
  • Vicki Hanson, Past SGB Chair
  • Simon Harper, SIGWEB Chair
  • Jiman Hong, SIGAPP Vice Chair
  • Yannis Ioannidis, SGB EC member
  • Janie Irwin, Athena Award Selection Committee Chair
  • Trent Jaeger, SIGSAC Chair
  • Ann Lane, ACM SIG Services Administrative Assistant
  • Ninghui Li, SIGSAC Vice Chair
  • Ying Li, SIGKDD Board of Directors
  • Bing Liu, SIGKDD Chair
  • John C.S. Lui, SIGMETRICS Chair
  • Patrick Madden, EC Vice Chair for Operations
  • Jeanna Matthews, SIGOPS Chair
  • Renee McCauley, SGB EC Member at Large
  • Armin Mikler, SIGBIO Secretary
  • Maritza Nichols, ACM SIG Services Program Coordinator
  • Jörg Ott, SIGCOMM Secretary/Treasurer
  • Gultekin Ozsoyoglu, ACM SIGBIO Vice Chair
  • Cherri Pancake, SIGHPC Chair
  • Frances Paulisch, SIGSOFT Member at Large
  • Raj Rajkumar, SIGBED Chair
  • Darren Ramdin, ACM Finance Associate Director
  • Bernard Rous, ACM Director of Publications
  • Clyde Roby, SIGAda Secretary/Treasurer
  • Susan Rodger, SIGCSE Chair
  • Patricia Ryan, ACM COO
  • Stephanie Sabal, ACM SIG Services Program Coordinator
  • Hanan Samet, SIGSPATIAL Past Chair
  • Andrew Sears, SIGACCESS Chair
  • Sung Shin, SIGAPP Chair
  • Janice Sipior, SIGMIS Chair
  • Chris Stephenson, CSTA Executive Director
  • Will Tracz, SIGSOFT Chair
  • Kelly Wainwright, SIGUCCS Chair
  • John White, ACM CEO
  • David Wood, SIGARCH Chair, SGB Council Rep
  • Michael Zeller, SIGKDD Secretary/Treasurer
  • Aidong Zhang, SIGBio Chair