SIG Governing Board Motions - FY'00

Motion: Move to approve the minutes of the February '99 SGB meeting.

Notkin, Cohoon

Motion: SGB recommends acceptance of White's proposal for distribution of the DL surplus. The formulae should be re-visited in two years.

Cohoon, Notkin

Motion: Move to approve the SIG Project Fund (SPF) to replace the SDF.

[Brown, Cytron]

Motion: Move that the SGB recommend that each financially viable SIG (with a fund balance over the required balance) cover, out of its fund balance, the cost (see back-up 5.0 for estimate) of producing PDF versions of the 1985-90 conference proceedings relevant to its domain with the resulting material added to the digital library.

[Snodgrass, Cytron]

Motion: Move that the SGB cover the cost (up to 15K) of producing PDF version of the 1985-90 conference proceedings relevant to the domain of defunct and financially non-viable SIGs with the resulting material added to the DL. The decision on access to the materials provided by defunct SIGs will be the responsibility of the SGB EC.

[Snodgrass, Notkin]

Motion: Move that the SGB create a Portal Management Board according to the proposal in Back-up 5.0 presented at the October 2, 1999 SGB Meeting.

[Snodgrass, Cytron]

Motion: Move that SIGIR continue their status as a multi-service SIG

(Klein, Tremaine)

Motion: Move to accept David Notkin's proposed changes to SOR 6.0 in principle, with the addition of accelerating the preparation of the back-up and allowing the SGB EC to act on clearly viable SIGs with the ability of the SGB to object.

[Wiehl, Niederman]

Motion: Move to organize standing FCRC Steering Committee under the auspice of the SGB and that FCRC be held in 2003.

[Fajman, Cytron]
Motion passed

Motion:Move to approve the minutes of the October'99 SGB meeting.

Partridge, Soffa

Motion:To request that ACM bylaws be changed from the current 2 year limit to point to the bylaws of the individual SIG.

Brown, Hayne

Motion:Due to the fact that work on standards is carried out individual SIGs and the lack of interest in a coordinating committee, we recommend that the TSC be dissolved.

Soffa, Brown

Motion:The SGB recommends that the ACM EC approve the proposed relationship between SIGDOC and INTECOM.

Partridge, Snodgrass

Motion:The SGB approves continuation of SIGDOC as a multipurpose SIG.

Brown, Feldman

Motion:Move to place SIGBIO in transitional status.

Kasper, Martin
Motion passed

Motion:Move that SIGAPP be authorized to hold an election at the earliest possible time under the supervision of the SGB EC, any rule against holding elections by a transitional SIG being waived.

Siegel, Partridge

Motion:Move to continue SIGAPL's status as a multi-service SIG with a program review (expected to be handled by the SGB-EC) in one year.

Klein, Snodgrass

Motion:Move to accept the SPF proposal.

Cohoon, Brown

Motion:Move that for any SIG, which has an award, that the viability of the award be evaluated as, part of the SIG's viability review.

Partridge, Hayne

Motion:Move to approve the 50-50% split of DL revenue as outlined by SGB EC and revisit in two years.

Motion:Move that the SGB EC appoint a committee to recommend methods and formulae to allocate DL surplus among the SIGs, and that these recommendations be shared with the SIG Chairs and feedback from the Chairs solicited before the SGB EC approves and acts on them.

Siegel, Kasper
Motion passes

Motion:Move to revisit the 50-50% split of DL revenue in two years.

Partridge, Hayne

Motion:Move that the SGB funds cover the cost (up to $25K) of producing PDF versions of newsletters and pre-1985 proceedings relevant to defunct and financially non-viable SIGs, with the resulting material added to the digital library.

Snodgrass, Partridge

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