Association for Computing Machinery, Preeminent Group of Computing Professionals Worldwide, Promotes International Data Privacy Day

New York, NY January 27, 2020
– The Association for Computing Machinery’s Technology Policy Council (ACM TPC) and US Technology Policy Committee (USTPC) today announced their support for International Data Privacy Day, a global initiative of the National Cyber Security Alliance (NCSA) to empower individuals and encourage businesses to respect privacy, safeguard data and enable trust. Data Privacy Day is observed annually worldwide on January 28. ACM member policy leaders may be quoted regarding Data Privacy Day 2020 as follows:

Through its public policy activities, ACM has long advocated for the protection of privacy in the design and use of computing technologies, applications, and systems. Data Privacy Day gives us an opportunity to raise awareness about how you can safeguard your privacy online and in your homes, workplaces, and communities. It also reminds those of us who design and deploy informa­tion and computing technologies that we have a duty to understand the rights and responsibilities associated with the protection of privacy – we must take special care in handling the data of individuals, mini­mize its collection, ensure its accuracy, secure against unauthorized access, and be transparent in our practices.

Dr. Lorraine Kisselburgh, Chair
ACM Technology Policy Council

Despite numerous headlines in major media outlets about massive data breaches and corporate abuses of personal data, the truth is that most people, including legislators, don’t know the basics of data privacy. ACM is proud to be part of this vital effort to educate people on simple steps they can take to improve the safety of their own data and also to help legislators learn how this vital human rights issue impacts the people they represent.

Dr. James Hendler, Chair
ACM US Technology Policy Committee

To connect with other ACM experts on privacy and cybersecurity, journalists may contact Jim Ormond, ACM Media Relations, (212) 626-0505, or via email at

ACM, through its member-driven policy arms, has been active in privacy policy (and many other cutting-edge computing technology issues) for more than 25 years. Recent public ACM statements and analyses of key privacy issues include:

“[N]ow is the time for Congress to act to protect the public interest and the integrity of the democratic process by adopting comprehensive and effective personal privacy protection legislation.”

ACM USTPC “recommends that Congress craft and adopt comprehensive, risk-based privacy protections that achieve nine critical and distinct objectives.”

An automated system should not produce an adverse decision about an individual without the individual’s full knowledge of the factors that produced that outcome.”

“[T]he benefits of emerging technologies, such as Big Data and the Internet of Things, should and need not come at the expense of personal privacy. It is hoped and intended that the principles and practices set out in this Statement will provide a basis for building data privacy into modern technological systems.”

Additional recent ACM Policy products related to data privacy include:

Jim Ormond

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