ACM 2016 Fellows Recognized for Advances that Are Transforming Science and Society

Achievements of 2016 Fellows Include Advances in Human-Computer Interaction, Artificial Intelligence and Cryptography

NEW YORK, NY, December 8, 2016—ACM, the world's leading computing society, has named 53 of its members as ACM Fellows for major contributions in areas including artificial intelligence, cryptography, computer architecture, high performance computing and programming languages. The achievements of the 2016 ACM Fellows are accelerating the digital revolution, and affect almost every aspect of how we live and work today.

"As nearly 100,000 computing professionals are members of our association, to be selected to join the top one percent is truly an honor,” explains ACM President Vicki L. Hanson. “Fellows are chosen by their peers and hail from leading universities, corporations and research labs throughout the world. Their inspiration, insights and dedication bring immeasurable benefits that improve lives and help drive the global economy."

Underscoring ACM’s global reach, 2016 Fellows hail from organizations in Australia, Austria, Canada, China, France, India, Israel, Italy, The Netherlands, Switzerland, the United Kingdom and the United States.

The 2016 Fellows have been cited for numerous contributions in areas including cloud computing, computer security, data science, Internet routing and security, large-scale distributed computing, mobile computing, spoken-language processing and theoretical computer science.

ACM will formally recognize its 2016 Fellows at the annual Awards Banquet, to be held in San Francisco on June 24, 2017. Additional information about the 2016 ACM Fellows, the awards event, as well as previous ACM Fellows and award winners is available on the ACM Awards site.

2016 ACM Fellows


Noga Alon
Tel Aviv University
For contributions in the study of expander graphs, derandomization and streaming algorithms

Christoforos Kozyrakis
Stanford University
For contributions to transactional memory and data center architecture

Paul Barford
University of Wisconsin
For contributions to Internet measurement and analysis

Marta Kwiatkowska
University of Oxford
For contributions to the theory and practice of probabilistic verification

Luca Benini
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich and Universitá di Bologna
For contributions to the design of low power multi-processor systems

James Landay
Stanford University
For contributions to human-computer interaction, with a focus on user interface design tools and ubiquitous computing

Ricardo Bianchini
Microsoft Research
For contributions to power, energy and thermal management of servers and datacenters

K. Rustan M. Leino
Microsoft Research
For contributions to making program verification accessible and practical

Stephen Blackburn
Australian National University
For contributions to memory management in programming languages

J. Bryan Lyles
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
For contributions to Internet infrastructure technology, measurement and research

Dan Boneh
Stanford University
For contributions to cryptography and computer security

Todd C. Mowry
Carnegie Mellon University
For contributions to software prefetching and thread-level speculation

Carla E. Brodley
Northeastern University
For applications of machine learning and for increasing participation of women in computer science

Trevor Mudge
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
For contributions to power aware computer architecture

Justine Cassell
Carnegie Mellon University/Language Technologies Institute
For contributions to human-computer interaction and advocacy for empowerment and voice through technology

Sharon Oviatt
Incaa Designs
For contributions to the empirical and theoretical foundations of multimodal systems, and to human-centered computer interfaces

Erik Demaine
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
For contributions to geometric computing, data structures and graph algorithms

Venkata N. Padmanabhan
Microsoft Research India
For research contributions and professional leadership in networked and mobile computing systems

Allison Druin
University of Maryland
For contributions to creating information and computing technologies with and for children

Shwetak Patel
University of Washington
For contributions to sustainability sensing, low-power wireless sensing and mobile health

Fredo Durand
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
For contributions to computational photography and computer graphics rendering

David Peleg
The Weizmann Institute of Science
For contributions to distributed computing and graph algorithms

Nick Feamster
Princeton University
For data-driven studies of Internet security and Internet censorship

Radia Perlman
For contributions to the theory and practice of Internet routing and bridging protocols

Jason Flinn
University of Michigan
For contributions to mobile computing and reliable distributed systems

Adrian Perrig
ETH Zurich
For contributions in protocols for network and system security

William Freeman
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
For contributions to low-level computer vision, machine learning and computer graphics

Ganesan Ramalingam
Microsoft Research India
For contributions to static program analysis

Yolanda Gil
University of Southern California
For leadership in advancing the use of artificial intelligence in support of science, and for service to the community

Louiqa Raschid
University of Maryland
For data management and integration in non-traditional domains including biomedicine, finance and humanitarian applications

Robert L. Grossman
University of Chicago/Open Data Group
For contributions to data science, data intensive computing and data mining

Holly Rushmeier
Yale University
For work on global illumination, material capture and display of high-dynamic-range images

Rajesh K. Gupta
University of California, San Diego
For contributions in design of embedded systems and hardware-software codesign

Michael Saks
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
For contributions to computational complexity, theory of distributed computing, and design & analysis of algorithms

James Hendler
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
For contributions to artificial intelligence and the development of the semantic web

Sachin S. Sapatnekar
University of Minnesota
For contributions to the enhancement of performance and reliability in integrated circuits

Monika Henzinger
Universität Wien
For contributions to computer theory and its practical application

Abigail Sellen
Microsoft Research
For contributions to human-computer interaction and the design of human-centered technology

Tony Hey
The Science and Technology Facilities Council’s Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
For leadership in high performance computing and eScience

Sudipta Sengupta
Microsoft Research
For contributions to cloud networking, storage, and data management

Xuedong Huang
Microsoft AI and Research
For contributions to spoken language processing

Andre Seznec
For contributions to branch prediction and cache memory design

Daniel Jackson
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
For contributions to software modeling and the creation of the modeling language Alloy

Valerie E. Taylor
Texas A&M University
For leadership in broadening participation in computing

Robert J.K. Jacob
Tufts University
For contributions to human-computer interaction, particularly new interaction modes and novel user interface software formalisms

Carlo Tomasi
Duke University
For contributions in computer vision

Somesh Jha
University of Wisconsin
For contributions to verification, programming languages, and software engineering

Paul Van Oorschot
Carleton University
For contributions to applied cryptography, authentication and computer security

Ravi Kannan
Microsoft Research
For contributions to the field of theoretical computer science

Manuela M. Veloso
Carnegie Mellon University
For contributions to the field of artificial intelligence, in particular in planning, learning, multi-agent systems, and robotics

Anne-Marie Kermarrec
For contributions to large-scale distributed computing

Zhi-Hua Zhou
Nanjing University
For contributions to machine learning and data mining

Martin Kersten
Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica
For the design and implementation of column-store and main-memory database systems


About ACM

ACM, the Association for Computing Machinery, is the world's largest educational and scientific computing society, uniting educators, researchers, and professionals to inspire dialogue, share resources, and address the field's challenges. ACM strengthens the computing profession's collective voice through strong leadership, promotion of the highest standards, and recognition of technical excellence. ACM supports the professional growth of its members by providing opportunities for life-long learning, career development, and professional networking.

About the ACM Fellows Program

The ACM Fellows Program, initiated in 1993, celebrates the exceptional contributions of the leading members in the computing field.  These individuals have helped to enlighten researchers, developers, practitioners and end users of information technology throughout the world. The new ACM Fellows join a distinguished list of colleagues to whom ACM and its members look for guidance and leadership in computing and information technology.

Contact: Jim Ormond

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