Hottest Trends and Most Disruptive Technologies in Mobile Computing Take Center Stage at ACM MobiCom 2016

First-Ever ACM CarSys Workshop to Examine the State of Connected and Intelligent Vehicles

New York, September 22, 2016 —Mobile computing has experienced spectacular growth in the last decade. Despite the fact that nearly half of the world’s population does not yet own a mobile device, it is now estimated that there are more mobile devices (over 7 billion) than there are people on the planet. It has also been estimated that, in 2015 alone, average smartphone usage grew by 43% and global mobile data traffic grew by 74%.

The technologies behind these trends, as well as the future of mobile computing, will be the focus of the Association for Computing Machinery’s  upcoming International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (MobiCom). Now in its 22nd year, MobiCom has served as the premier international forum to showcase leading-edge innovations in mobile computing and wireless networking. Sponsored by SIGMOBILE (ACM's Special Interest Group on Mobility of Systems, Users, Data, and Computing) ACM MobiCom 2016 will take place in New York City, Oct. 3-7, 2016.

Mobile computing is growing exponentially, and it intersects with so many other disciplines, including hardware architecture, software engineering, big data, and artificial intelligence, to name just a few. The MobiCom organizing committee has developed a program that addresses the breadth of topics in mobile computing, while also presenting the newest developments in the field. Many of the most popular MobiCom workshops were initiated only two or three years ago, which underscores that these are truly emerging technologies.


Keynote Address
“Where the Curb Meets the Cloud: Urban Innovation in the Digital Age” – As the digital revolution continues to transform cities, Craig Nevill, CTO of Sidewalk Labs, will explore how we can make ensure that the transformation improves quality of life while minimizing the downside.

App Contest
The 4th Mobile App competition is for novel and innovative mobile applications utilizing any computing architecture (stand-alone, client/server, client/proxy/server, peer-to-peer/ad-hoc, cloud/mobile, others). It is intended as a platform-neutral contest. Applications can be developed for, but not limited to, Android, iOS, Windows Phone, Blackberry OS 10 and HTML5.

New This Year
MobiJob 2016– The first edition of ACM SIGMOBILE Student Career Evening (MobiJob) seeks to bring together top companies in the field with the best and brightest students and post-docs to assist with both open full-time positions, and as well as fixed-duration internships. For 2016, MobiJob will be organized as a speed-dating event.

Additional Program Highlights
Test-of-Time Award Session: Which researchers most accurately predicted the future of Mobile Computing? To celebrate the inaugural SIGMOBILE Test-of-TimeAwards, a special half-day session will be held as part of the main conference program. The authors of each award paper are invited to present a 10-minute talk followed by panel-style discussions and Q&A sessions. The event will culminate in a forward-looking panel on the future of mobile and wireless systems.

Rockstar Award Talk: Evolving Shades of Wireless Access Research – Karthikeyan (Karthik) Sundaresan is a senior researcher in the Mobile Communications and Networking research department at NEC Laboratories America. His research interests span both algorithmic and experimental aspects of wireless networking, systems and mobile computing, with recent efforts targeting various connectivity and computing paradigms for 5G networks and services.

The first ACM International Workshop on Smart, Autonomous and Connected Vehicular Systems and Services (ACM CarSys 2016) – CarSys 2016 seeks to present innovative and significant research on the design, implementation, usage, and evaluation of intelligent vehicular computing, communication and control systems, applications, and services. The workshop will be divided into two key areas: Connected Vehicles and Intelligent Vehicles.

ACM Workshop on Hot Topics in Wireless – Focused on disruptive wireless technologies and systems that can enable orders of magnitude improvements in performance and novel wireless applications. The goal of this workshop is to provide a launching pad for bold and visionary ideas, and bring together experts in hardware, physical layer, networks, and systems to address core technical challenges in these emerging wireless technologies.

ACM Workshop on Visible Light Communication Systems (VLCS) – Visible Light Communication (VLC) employs standard LED lights to transmit data using the visible light spectrum. Despite obstacles, many experts predict VLC as a core component of mobile computing in the near future. Thomas Little of Boston University will provide an introductory talk to the workshop entitled “On VLC as a 5G Technology.”

MobiArch 2016 – Recent years have witnessed mobile devices surpassing stationary Internet hosts in numbers and exponential growth of mobile data traffic. Wireless has quickly become the dominant last-hop access to the Internet. The increasing ability to collect and process large amount of data pertaining to network, devices, and users is posing new challenges to network design. As these trends continue in the near future, a reexamination is urgently required for the architecture of the mobile-centric Internet.

For a full conference program please visit:

About MobiCom

MobiCom, the Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking, has been held every year since 1995. The conference serves as the premier international forum addressing networks, systems, algorithms, and applications that support the symbiosis of mobile computers and wireless networks. The conference covers all areas of mobile computing and mobile and wireless networking. MobiCom conferences have been held in locations around the world.

About ACM

ACM, the Association for Computing Machinery, is the world's largest educational and scientific computing society, uniting educators, researchers, and professionals to inspire dialogue, share resources, and address the field's challenges. ACM strengthens the computing profession's collective voice through strong leadership, promotion of the highest standards, and recognition of technical excellence. ACM supports the professional growth of its members by providing opportunities for life-long learning, career development, and professional networking.

Jim Ormond

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